PDF A drone can be operated in the ‘in the ‘specific’ or the ‘certified’ category, when it does not meet the requirements laid out under the open category. See FAQ - How do I determine I fall under the ‘open’ category? Regulatory reference: Article 4 and Article 20 of EU Regulation 2019/947; Annex part A and Article 5(1) of EU Regulation 2019/947, Parts 1 to 5 Annex of EU Regulation 2019/945. For operation falling under the ‘specific’ category, the training depends on the operation you intend to conduct. So unless the operation falls into a standard scenario, after the risk assessment, you will need to propose a possible training course to the National Aviation Authority. The authority will, in each case, evaluate the adequacy of the training, and if they confirm it in the operational authorisation, the training will become the required training. If your operation falls into a standard scenario, the remote pilot must: To do so, the remote pilot must complete and successfully pass an online training course. Both the certificate and accreditation can be issued by a competent authority or an entity chosen to do so. Regulatory reference: UAS.SPEC.050 (d) and UAS.SPEC.060 (b) of EU Regulation 2019/947 For standard scenarios, the National Aviation Authority is responsible for issuing the certificates. A certificate for Remote Pilot competency is valid for 5 years. If the revalidation is conducted before the certificate expires, the remote pilot may attend a seminar provided by the National Aviation Authority or by an entity recognised by it, otherwise competencies need to be re-demonstrated. For operations in the ‘specific’ category that are not covered by standard scenarios, the training will be defined in the operational authorisation provided by the National Aviation Authority. Regulatory reference: Article 12 of EU Regulation 2019/947 and UAS.STS-01.020 Contact your National Aviation Authority for further information (see https://www.easa.europa.eu/domains/civil-drones/naa). When operating under the ‘specific’ category, if the operations can be conducted within the limitation of a standard scenario and using an appropriate drone, the drone operator only needs to submit a declaration to the National Aviation Authority and wait for the confirmation of receipt and completeness. For all other operations in the ’specific’ category, an operational authorisation issued by the National Aviation Authority is needed. Firstly check whether your operation can be accommodated within a standard scenario. If it can, you do not need an authorisation, but you do need to submit a declaration to the National Aviation Authority. A standard scenario is an operation defined in the Appendix to the drone regulation (EU Regulation 2019/947). You need to use a drone marked with the appropriate class identification label (5 or 6). After submitting the declaration to the National Aviation Authority, you will receive the confirmation of receipt and completeness from the National Aviation Authority and operate following the limitations of the standard scenario. Light UAS operator certificate (LUC): this is a voluntary certification, after which the National Aviation Authority may allocate some privileges to the drone operator. Drone operators may ask the National Aviation Authority to assess their organisation to evaluate whether they are capable of assessing the risk of an operation themselves. The requirements to be demonstrated by drone operators are defined in Part C of Regulation (EU) 2019/947. When the National Aviation Authority is satisfied, they will issue a light UAS operator certificate (LUC) and they will allocate privileges to the drone operators based on their level of maturity. The privileges may be one or more of the following: Regulatory reference: article 12 of EU regulation 2012/947. As a drone operator flying in the ’specific’ category, you must: Regulatory reference: UAS.SPEC.050 of EU Regulation 2019/947 As a remote pilot you must: The operator is responsible for obtaining a reasonable confidence that the drone he/she is acquiring complies with requirements applicable to its C class 1 - 6 (ref: Annex of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/945). In particular, the operator needs to ensure that: Drones in the ’specific’ category do not need a class identification label (except if operating in a standard scenario). Any certificates of remote pilots’ competency issued by national authorities will remain valid until 1 January 2022, after which your National Aviation Authority will have to convert your national certificate(s) to new one(s) that comply with this Regulation. Whether or not you have to undergo more training after that date will depend on the conversion process that your National Aviation Authority decides to put in place. As of 31 December 2020, if you do not have a national certificate for your remote pilot competency, you will have to undergo the required competency training as required for the ‘open’ category. Regulatory reference: Article 21 and Annex part A (UAS.OPEN.020) and (UAS.OPEN.040) of EU Regulation 2019/947. Normally drone races are organised by clubs and associations. In such cases, they may have received operational authorisations from their National Aviation Authorities in accordance with Article 16 of Regulation (EU) 2019/947, which also covers the organisation of such events. If there are spectators, the operation falls into the ‘specific’ category, and you need to apply for an authorisation from the National Aviation Authority The Regulation allows you to fly without keeping direct eye contact with the drone, provided you have a person next to you, a UA observer, keeping direct visual contact with the drone, scanning the airspace to make sure that you do not endanger other parties (e.g. aircraft or buildings or persons). The UA observer must be located alongside you so they can immediately communicate with you in case they see an obstacle, and give you instructions, such as to immediately land the drone. Regulatory reference: Article 4(d) of EU Regulation 2019/947 If the event is organised by a club or association that received an authorisation from the National Aviation Authority, or the organiser received an operational authorisation for an operation in the ’specific’ category, then spectators are allowed. NB This answer applies only to non-racing FPV operation. One of the conditions to operate in the open category is for the remote pilot to keep the drone in visual line of sight (VLOS)at all times. There are only two exceptions where VLOS is not strictly applied: It is important to note that the open category catalogues all lower-risk drone operations without the need for prior authorisation; this lighter provision is compensated by more restrictive conditions of operation. FPV googles by nature do not allow to have a wide field of view to see potential threats around the drone, so they do not enable VLOS. Hence, the requirement for an unmanned-aircraft observerfor any FPV operation when operating in the open category. The unmanned-aircraft observermust look at the drone and be alongside the remote pilot so that the unmanned-aircraft observer can immediately inform the remote pilot in case of any threat around the drone. With the above conditions, you are allowed to fly FPV in the open category. However, you need to be mindful of the risk to hit a person or other aircraft. If you want to have a drone race in FPV, spectators are not allowed; please note that drones with a speed higher than 19 m/s are only allowed to operate in open subcategory A3 (far from people). Therefore, in case you want to have spectators, the FPV race should be conducted in the specific category (including standards scenarios). For more information, please refer to the following FAQ: I am into drone racing and/or flying drones with goggles (FPV) ‘open’ category | EASA (europa.eu). For standard scenario (STS) 2, nothing prevents the remote pilot to fly in first person view when: The same person may be the airspace observer and the unmanned-aircraft observer, if that person complies with the requirements imposed for the two observers. For STS 1, it is correct that at the moment, operating in FPV is not possible since the remote pilot is required to maintain VLOS. By 31 December 2020, any authorisation given by one MS will be valid in the rest of Europe. The drone operator is required to first submit the declaration (if intending to conduct an operation covered by a standard scenario) or receive an operational authorisation from the National Aviation Authority of the state of registration. For an operation covered by a standard scenario (SS), the drone operator must send to the National Aviation Authority where it intends to operate, a copy of the declaration and a copy of the confirmation of receipt and completeness received by the National Aviation Authority of the state of registration. Then the drone operator may start the operation following the requirement of the standard scenario and verifying the geographical zone published by the National Aviation Authority where the operation is conducted. For operations not covered by a standard scenario in the ’specific’ category, the drone operator must ensure that the mitigating measures submitted in his original risk assessment are appropriate to the new environment it plan to operate in or update them is necessary. Then the drone operator must provide the National Aviation Authority of the Member State of the intended operation with an application, which must include: (a) a copy of the operational authorisation granted by the National Aviation Authority of the Member State of registration; with (b) the location (s) of the intended operation, including the updated mitigation measures. Upon receipt of the application, the National Aviation Authority of the Member State of the intended operation will review the updated mitigation measure proposed. They will confirm to the drone operator that the application is satisfactory. Once the operator receives the confirmation, they may start the intended operation. Regulatory reference: article 13 of EU regulation 2019/947. After 31 December 2020, all existing approvals/certificates/authorisations/declarations issued by National Aviation Authorities will still be valid until 1 January 2022. After 1 January 2022, all approvals, certificates, authorisation and declarations must be converted to the EU Regulation. New applications for authorisations/certificate submitted after 1 January 2022 need to follow the new EU Regulation. All drone operations conducted in the EASA Member States must comply with the Drone Regulation, no matter what the nationality of the operator or remote pilot is. Therefore, as a non-EU resident, you are also required to register with the National Aviation Authority of the first EU country where you intend to operate. You will then be issued with a ‘drone operator registration number’ that needs to be displayed with a sticker on all the drones you own. You must also upload it into the ‘remote identification system’ of your drone(s). Once registered in the host country, the drone operator’s registration will be valid across Europe and the operator will be required to follow all the provisions of the Drone Regulation. If you intend to operate in the ’specific’ category, you must submit a declaration for a standard scenario or apply for an operational authorisation to the National Aviation Authority of the EU Member State(s) where you registered. If you want to conduct operations in a Member State different from the one in which you registered, you need to follow the same procedure as all other national citizens of the Member State where you registered. Regulatory reference: Art.41 (1) and (2) of EU Regulation 2019/945 Given that there is not yet any mutual recognition established between EASA and other countries, in the domain of drones, the training or qualification obtained in your country of residence will not be accepted in the EU. Therefore, you will have to undergo the required training before you can fly your drone. In the meantime, other nations may develop regulations that may be considered by the EU commission as equivalent to those in Europe. Information on future recognition will be published on the EU Commission website as soon as it is finalised. A light UAS operator certificate (LUC) is an organisational approval certificate. Drone operators may ask the National Aviation Authority of registration to have their organisation assessed to demonstrate that they are capable of assessing the risk of an operation themselves. The requirements to be demonstrated by drone operators are defined in Part C of Regulation (EU) 2019/947. When the National Aviation Authority is satisfied, they will issue a light UAS operator certificate (LUC) and they will assign privileges to the drone operators based on their level of maturity. The privileges may allow the organisation to self-authorise operations without applying for an authorisation. The privileges may be one or more of the following: You need to be an organisation to be eligible to apply for a LUC, however you can subcontract some of the activities. Regulatory reference: UAS.LUC.010. It depends on the privileges granted by the National Aviation Authority. Regulatory reference: Article 5 of EU Regulation 2019/947. When you intend to conduct an operation in the specific category, in a state other than the one you are registered, firstly you need to get an operational authorisation from the competent authority of the state you are registered. This competent authority will evaluate your risk assessment identifying if the mitigation means you propose and the safety objectives are adequate to conduct such type of operation. Then you need to apply to the competent authority of the state of operation for a confirmation of a cross border operation, providing them evidences on how you apply the mitigations means to the location and in case how you comply with the local conditions. Regulatory reference Article 13 of EU Regulation 2019/947 The authorisation process requires that the authority agrees with the proposal of the operator ensuring the safety of the operation. The level of verification from the authority depends on the level of risk of the operation and on the level of trust on the maturity of the operator. Therefore applying always to the same authority allows to build this trust. Moreover all authorities needs to conduct periodical oversight audits to all operators they issued an operational authorisation or a LUC or received a declaration, being responsible of their national operators is more convenient for both authorities and operators. Regulatory reference Article 18(h) of EU Regulation 2019/947 The operator is responsible for obtaining a reasonable confidence that the drone he/she is acquiring complies with requirements applicable to its C class 1 - 6 (ref: Annex of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/945). In particular, the operator needs to ensure that: No. A drone under development can be considered ‘privately built’ that can fly in the ‘Open’ sub-category A3. In fact, a ‘privately built UAS’ means a UAS assembled or manufactured for the builder’s own use, not including UAS assembled from sets of parts placed on the market as a single ready-to-assemble kit. In this case, the UAS is manufactured/assembled for the manufacturer’s use.Understanding the ‘specific’ category
How do I determine I fall under the ‘specific’ category?
Training requirements in the ‘specific’ category
Are all remote pilots in the 'specific' category required to train to fly a drone?
Who issues the remote pilot competency certificate for the 'specific' category and how long is it valid for?
Operational authorisation requirements for the ‘specific’ category
Do I need to obtain an authorisation before flying my drone in the 'specific' category?
I fall under the ‘specific’ category, so how do I obtain an authorisation?
Otherwise, there are other means to obtain an operational authorisation under the ‘specific’ category, depending on the level of risk the operation poses. The drone operator can apply for:Responsibilities as a drone operator or remote pilot in the ‘specific’ category
What are my responsibilities as a drone operator in the 'specific' category?
What are my responsibilities as a remote pilot in the 'specific' category?
Before the flight:
Regulatory reference: UAS.SPEC.060 of EU Regulation 2019/947When I buy a drone to be operated in the open category or in standard scenario (STS) in the specific category, what should I do?
Drones without class identification label in the ‘specific’ category
I fall under the 'specific' category will I be able to fly my old drone after 31 December 2020 ?
Under the 'specific' category do I still need training, given that I was flying drones before the rules became applicable?
I am into drone racing and/or flying drones with goggles (FPV) ‘specific’ category
Which authorisation do I need?
Is flying with goggles (first person view) authorised in the 'specific' category?
Are spectators allowed in the 'specific' category?
Is beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) operation possible for flying drones with goggles (first-person view (FPV)) operation?
I build my own drones (privately built) ‘specific’ category
I plan to provide services (commercial and other) with drone(s) ‘specific’ category
Will I need to validate my operational authorisation with every other EASA Members state?
If the drone operator has been granted, by the National Aviation Authority of the state of registration, an LUC (a light UAS operator certificate) with privileges to self-authorise its operations, they must provide the National Aviation Authority of the State of the intended operation withWhat will happen to authorisation granted by NAAs before the 31st of December 2020?
I am a non-EU visitor / drone operator ‘specific’ category
I am a Non-EU resident visiting Europe and I plan to fly my drone under the 'specific' category, do I need to register?
As a non-EU resident, are my competencies under the 'specific' category recognised in the EU?
I would like to know about the light UAS operator certificate (LUC)
What is a LUC?
Who can apply for a LUC?
Do I need to obtain an authorisation before flying my drone? (LUC)
Conduct an Operation in the specific category in a state other than the one I am registered
What is the process to apply for an operational authorisation?
Why I cannot apply directly to the competent authority of the state of operation?
When I buy a drone to be operated in the open category or in standard scenario (STS) in the specific category, what should I do?
I am a drone manufacturer and I need to test my product in flight to obtain a Class marking. Do I need to apply for a ‘specific’ operation authorisation?
Specific category | EASA (2025)
Table of Contents
Understanding the ‘specific’ category
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Training requirements in the ‘specific’ category
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Operational authorisation requirements for the ‘specific’ category
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Responsibilities as a drone operator or remote pilot in the ‘specific’ category
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Drones without class identification label in the ‘specific’ category
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I am into drone racing and/or flying drones with goggles (FPV) ‘specific’ category
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Was this helpful?
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I build my own drones (privately built) ‘specific’ category
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I plan to provide services (commercial and other) with drone(s) ‘specific’ category
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I am a non-EU visitor / drone operator ‘specific’ category
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I would like to know about the light UAS operator certificate (LUC)
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Conduct an Operation in the specific category in a state other than the one I am registered
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Author: Dong Thiel
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Name: Dong Thiel
Birthday: 2001-07-14
Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071
Phone: +3512198379449
Job: Design Planner
Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing
Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.